7 paragraphs to understand “SEO Google” [The buzz word]

In today’s world, everyone to some extent is familiar to a word called “SEO” or search engine optimization. If you don’t know it then let me help you out by defining what is SEO and how it works? Simply SEO is a technique through which a web page ranks in Google search engine, but textually, it is the practice of increasing quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. I hope you are a bit clear with the picture now, but if you are still thinking then keep patience and read the article. Trust it’ll make SEO things crystal clear to you like water and it’ll be your best SEO tutorial.

Have you ever given a thought why SEO is becoming so popular? What are the advantages you can have by SEO marketing? Why it is important to rank first in Google search engine? If you did not please take some time and think.

In most cases, people search in Google when they are actually in need of anything and it is the most common practice that we always try to pick our required answer from the first page of search result. Now if you are selling a product and your webpage ranks first in Google targeting all related search keywords then what happens? It increases visitor which in return will result in the increased sale and that’s how the magic works.  It is like having a shop at the market in front.

In relation to the above now you might think well it is important to do SEO but what are the ways or how to do SEO, types of SEO, SEO tools and so on. In this section, we will discuss the types of SEO. There are mainly four types of SEO which are
  • White Hat
  • Black Hat
  • Grey Hat and 
  • Negative SEO

Now White Hat SEO is the recommended method of doing SEO by Google webmaster guideline. It takes a bit longer period and a costly approach to reach your website into your desired position, but gives the advantage of sustainable growth. On the other hand, Black Hat SEO is just the opposite side of White Hat. It reduces both times and cost to take your website in the desired position along with a high chance of getting banned from Google.

Now Grey SEO technique falls in somewhere between. Though this process of doing SEO does not directly violate the webmaster guideline, still there are risks of getting banned. One of the main reasons Google used to update their algorithms 500-600 times in a year. So no one ever knows what are coming next.  Lastly, it is the Negative SEO which means implementation of both grey and black Hat SEO technique’s on competitor’s website to make them down.

That was the end of SEO type section. Now it is the time to get to know how this SEO to perform. Many SEO experts and SEO companies are actively working to take you into the scene, but they lack in answering all your questions when it comes to the matter of how to do SEO. The technique varies from site to site.  Also, Google changes their algorithms of search engine very frequently. So there is no thumb rule of doing SEO, but few things will make your path easy. If we divide SEO in on-page SEO and off-page, then below on-page SEO techniques will help you to some extent.
  • Shorten the URL name.
  • Include keyword in URL. 
  • Use LSI Keyword. 
  • Publish Long-content. 
  • Optimize title tag for click-through rate. 
  • Use external links. 
  • Use internal links. 
  • Maximize site load speed. 
  • Use Multimedia.

This is not the end and as I have said before there is no thumb rule for SEO. Also if your page ranks first in Google search console does not mean it’ll always be there. Competition is getting higher and unless you are active with the required modification in website your website may lose its position. One thing to keep in mind SEO is a continuous process that requires daily monitoring. Bye for now and if this article means something to you in developing your SEO concept do not forget to share.

Article by: digimucktadir
E-mail: digimucktadir@gmail.com
